Tuesday 8th May 2018

 Shelduck congregate on the reserve in the morning during spring.

There was an offshore haze that cleared by mid morning, otherwise clear sky and very light breeze this morning. With the continued good weather there are very few grounded migrants at the moment, the Wheatear that had stopped off have fed and continued North. Breeding season underway for the resident birds at Landguard, they have been busy collecting nesting material and are now incubating eggs.

Noted on the reserve, 70 Linnet, 20 Starling, 13 Shelduck, 3 Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Wheatear, 1 Blackcap, 1 Chiffchaff & 1 Willow Warbler. Going North, 3 Sandwich Tern & 1 Swallow. Going out to sea East, 2 Cormorant. Going South, 8 Swallow.

One of the frustrating things with micro moths are the species that you cannot be 100% sure of, several individuals of the Paronix family have been trapped over the years, this mornings example probably being Paronix anglicella but one can not be quite sure.

3 birds ringed: Chiffchaff 1, Willow Warbler 1, Woodpigeon 1.