Wednesday 9th May 2018

A handful of new Phylloscopus warblers passing through including half a dozen Willows and 4 Chiffs. Other migrants included 5 Wheatear 3 Jackdaw, Blackcap & a new Robin.On the move southbound 11 Swallow, 6 Goldfinch & 2 Sand Martin. Apart from this it is largely down to the regulars many of whom are into their breeding cycle although the way some of the Whitethroats are singing it suggests that some of the females are still to arrive.

Moth trapping getting more interesting by the day including Pebble Prominent.

12 birds ringed: 5 Willow Warbler, 4 Chiffchaff, 1 Blackcap, 1 Linnet, 1 Robin.