Ringing total for June 2018

Tree Pipit ringed in the early part of June.

173 birds of 25 species ringed during June, this is in the lower range of the average for the previous ten years.

Linnet 38
House Sparrow 34
Great Tit 16
Dunnock 12
Wren 9
Whitethroat 8
Chiffchaff 7
Woodpigeon 6
Blackbird 5
Lesser Whitethroat 5
Blackcap 4
Coal Tit 4
Goldfinch 4
Pied Wagtail 3
Robin 3
Spotted Flycatcher 3
Blue Tit 2
Magpie 2
Reed Warbler 2
Black Redstart 1
Chaffinch 1
Green Woodpecker 1
Greenfinch 1
Song Thrush 1
Tree Pipit 1