Saturday 30th June 2018

 Teneral Ruddy Darter at the Butts pond.

A strong Northeasterly breeze this morning, an overcast start clearing by late morning. Offshore passage was quiet this morning but a Teal going South was the first of the autumn seen going South from Landguard. A Whimbrel circled high over the reserve and then continued South and a male Black Redstart was singing periodically on the fort roof.  The first Gatekeeper of the year at Landguard was seen at the Observatory.

Noted on the reserve, 450 Starling, 1 Black Redstart, 1 Common Tern, 1 Lesser Whitethroat & 1 Med Gull. Going North, 4 Cormorant & 2 Swift. Going South, 1 Teal & 1 Whimbrel.

The first U.K. record of Clancy's Rustic was in 2002 and at Landguard was first noted in 2006 then several dates from 2010 to 2013 and again in 2017. Looks like it is trying to colonise.

2 birds ringed: House Sparrow 1, Linnet 1.