Thursday 28th June 2018

Migrants, wot migrants - yep its that time of the year when its down to baby birds. Hard work birding & looking at insects in this stiff north-easterly breeze. Worth a mention are 800+ starlings coming out of roost in the Holm Oaks at 0440 hrs. A handful of Black-headed Gulls were coming and going, although its difficult to work out whether these are just feeding movements or migratory movements at this time of the year.

Shore Wainscot was recorded a couple of times in the 1990's then appeared in reasonable numbers last year. Its larval food plant is Marram which has spread in some profusion in the last couple of years following wind blown sand inundation.

Ringing: 1 Chaffinch, 1 Linnet, 1 Pied Wagtail