Wednesday 27th June 2018

Pyramidal Orchid on the Butts.

Migration non-existent this morning with the highlight being a Mallard heading south on a breezy morning ! On the plus side baby Chaffinch's are out and about with mum & dad which is pleasing as their first attempt failed following on from nil young reared last year. Several pairs of Whitethroat & Lesser Whitethroat have fledged with the parents now getting down to second attempts. One, of the three, pairs of Great Tits are starting to feed a second brood with plenty of time for the other two pairs to get down to a second attempt if they choose to do so. Our only pair of Blue Tit have fledged one young with the adults now starting to moult a new set of feathers. Song Thrush have failed to rear any young so far and the only young Blackbird, that we know that was reared on site, made a meal for the Kestrel family (a couple of dispersing juvenile Blackbirds from off site have turned up down here but literally only a couple). One, of the two, pairs of Robin reared two young on their first attempt and are now hopefully having another go with the other pair up on the Butts being extremely furtive in their behaviour so not sure at the minute exactly what's happening with them. The local Carrion Crows failed with four pairs of Magpies rearing just 4 or 5 young (one pair with 2 or 3, two pairs rearing one young each and one pair with nothing so far). House Sparrows are doing okay, Dunnocks & Wrens "so so", Goldfinch have had one brood and the jury is still out on the Linnet situation. Pied Wagtail does not nest on site but plenty of young have come onto the reserve from the adjoining docks.

Archers Dart is a coastal species that does very well at Landguard.

Ringing: 1 Whitethroat