Tuesday 26th June 2018

 Small Skipper is a recent colonist having arrived in 2013.

A bank of fog rolled in off the sea just after dawn, pushed along by a Easterly breeze it soon moved inland for a brighter morning. The Blackcap seen today was the first dispersing juvenile Blackcap at Landguard for this year and at the point Gulls and Terns were gathering on the falling tide from noon.

Noted on the reserve, 200 Starling, 9 Little Tern, 8 Whitethroat, 7 Pied Wagtail, 3 Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Med Gull, 2 Oystercatcher, 1 Blackcap, 1 Common Tern, 1 Shelduck & 1 Swift. Going North, 7 Little Tern, 7 Sandwich Tern, 4 Swift & 1 Oystercatcher. Going South, 20 Common Scoter, 6 Barnacle Goose & 6 Curlew.

First site record of Anania verbascalis, a national scarce species that is present as near to us as the Suffolk Sanderlings. With a corner missing out of one wing it obviously had a rough time getting here.

7 birds ringed: House Sparrow 2, Blackcap 1, Dunnock 1, Goldfinch 1, Great Tit 1, Robin 1.