RINGED PLOVER (& OYK) Breeding Summary 2018

One of natures biscuits waiting to be consumed !


6 pairs of Ringed Plover reared no young and unless a late attempt goes on that we are currently aware off that's it. Bit complicated due to regular failures but the following is a summary of the minimum number of attempts.

Pair A - 3 attempts, first failed egg stage, second failed chick stage, third failed egg stage.
Pair B - 4 attempts, first three attempts failed egg stage, fourth failed egg stage.
Pair C - 3 attempts, first two failed egg stage, third failed chick stage.
Pair D - 3 attempts, first failed chick stage, next two attempts failed egg stage.
Pair E - 3 attempts, first two attempts failed at chick stage, third attempt at egg stage.
Pair F - 1 attempt failed at chick stage with no further attempts we are aware of.


3 pairs of Oystercatcher is a site record but all three failed at the egg stage.