Saturday 4th August 2018

 Dunlin roosting on the beach this morning at Landguard.

A strong Northerly breeze and overcast with sunny spells during the morning. Offshore passage was very quiet today, even Gull movement was minimal. Willow Warbler were feeding and bush hopping through the reserve, Pied Flycatcher were at the Observatory with an individual seen in the Hawthorn between the Obs and Darrel's and another at the front of the Obs on the Holm Oak and a Green Woodpecker was on the Ickie Ridge.

Noted on the reserve, 675 Starling, 12 Willow Warbler, 8 Whitethroat, 7 Swallow, 6 Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Pied Wagtail, 2 Common Tern, 2 Dunlin, 2 Oystercatcher, 2 Pied Flycatcher & 1 Green Woodpecker. Going South, 1 Grey Wagtail. Coming in off the sea going West, 2 Lapwing.

Black Arches is less than annual in occurrence here.

23 birds ringed: Willow Warbler 8, House Sparrow 4, Linnet 4, Goldfinch 2, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Grey Wagtail 1, Pied Flycatcher 1, Robin 1.