Monday 27th May 2019

Having failed to record a Cuckoo here in 2018 one present this morning is pleasing. Other migrants were restricted to 1 Spot Fly and southbound 23 Swallow, 4 Oyk, 3 Swift, 2 House Martin, Avocet & Sanderling plus northbound 5 Brent. 650 assorted seagulls offshore when ploughed through revealed nothing more exciting than 5 Meds & 2 Common Gull. Worth a mention is the fact that both of the male Blackcaps that have been singing on the Icky ridge and in the observatory compound appear to have accompanying females with a third male that has been singing seemingly to have moved on. Blackcap has only bred here successfully on one previous occasion.

Blastobsis laticolella is an adventive species from Madeira introduced via the horticultural trade which can be very common here as the season progresses.

Ringing: 1 Blue Tit.