Tuesday 28th May 2019

Todays migrants are 3 Spot Fly, White Wag plus a Chiffchaff wearing a Danish ring which is fairly exceptional as only a grand total of 13 of its countrymen have been noted before in the whole of the UK in over 100 years of ringing. A Coal Tit is presumably a dispersing juvenile from fairly nearby. Offshore northbound Gannet & Kitt plus southbound 8 Shelduck 4 Kitts, 2 Fulmar & Curlew. As we have barely had a summer I don't want to upset anyone out there but the Curlew is quite probably the start of the autumn passage in this species. On a more cheerful note up to 27 Little Tern were feeding just off the beach for quite a while which is much more joyous and summer like.

Following a cooler night with showers fewer moths but additionals to the year list are emerging daily including Oak Hook-tip which is common in woodland but infrequent with us.

Ringing: 2 Spotted Flycatcher, 1 Robin.