Saturday 27th July 2019

A Wood Sandpiper coming in off & inland calling is only the tenth site record. Southbound 73 Black-headed Gull, 9 Common Gull, 6 Oyk, 4 Curlew, 3 Greenshank, 2 Common Tern & 2 Med Gull. 11 Lapwing came in off the sea, landed briefly & when shifted by dog walkers went south. 2 Little Tern may be approaching the last ones of the year as they depart early. Rain for most of the morning has limited coverage on site although the long staying juvenile Redstart is still on the seaward side of the observatory plus at least one Willow Warbler present.

Two more additions to the site list. Cynaeda dentalis is a rare species that lives on Viper's-bugloss which is a common plant here so it is one that we have been expecting to record eventually. Ypsolopha sequella is a common woodland species that has failed to wander here before. Traps very busy with, for example, 552 Large Yellow Underwing in the moth traps.