Sunday 28th July 2019

Good to get some young Little Terns on the beach originating from we know not where.

Southbound 42 Black-headed Gull, 26 Oyk, 25 Common Scoter, 9 Swift, 6 Common Sandpiper (high count here) 4 Whimbrel, 3 Med Gull, 3 Turnstone, Common Gull, Curlew, Dunlin, Ruff & Sand Martin with northbound 3 Swift & 2 Gannet.  30 Common & 8 Little Tern offshore and the long staying Redstart is still with us.

Moth traps very quiet following overnight wind & rain. Meal Moth only appears irregularly - it lives around stored cereals in barns & buildings.

Ringing: 2 Starling, 1 House Sparrow.