September 2019 ringing totals

478 birds ringed of 34 species this past month, which is very slightly down on the September 2018 totals. Goldcrest and Chiffchaff both in larger numbers compared to last year, though Song Thrush are conspicuously down. We would expect to see Song Thrush peak through the Thrush Rush of early October, so the coming weeks will show if they really have had a poor year, or if they are just running late. Star bird of the month was certainly the RB Flycatcher, though Purple Sandpiper and Tree Pipit also make nice additions to the month's list.

Blackcap 100
Chiffchaff 80
Blue Tit 43
Meadow Pipit 38
Willow Warbler 36
Goldcrest 28
Robin 22
Dunnock 19
Goldfinch 17
Great Tit 16
Grey Wagtail 14
Whitethroat 8
House Sparrow 6
Redstart 6
Lesser Whitethroat 5
Woodpigeon 5
Wren 5
Garden Warbler 3
Linnet 3
Tree Sparrow  3
Chaffinch 2
Coal Tit 2
Herring Gull 2
Pied Flycatcher 2
Reed Warbler 2
Sedge Warbler 2
Sparrowhawk 2
Blackbird 1
Firecrest 1
Purple Sandpiper 1
Red-breasted Flycatcher 1
Song Thrush 1
Spotted Flycatcher 1
Tree Pipit 1