Friday 3rd April 2020

A still and reasonably warm morning, with a very light north westerly breeze. The Blackcaps have all cleared out but there were still 3 Redwing, 2 Chiffchaffs and 2 Firecrest present in the bushes this morning. 2 Buzzards passed high over the Port late morning.

On the Reserve, a Reed Bunting was by the Mine Station, a Yellowhammer was calling from the Elder in front of the Fort and a Wheatear and a White Wagtail were feeding close to the Tank Blocks. Still present on the Jetty were 2 Purple Sandpipers and 2 Turnstone.

A movement of 222 Cormorants, 76 Red-throated Divers and 5 Gannets heading northward were notable on the sea, as were 4 Common Seals. A Great-crested Grebe was also on the River.

On the mothing front, a Red Chestnut was the only moth of the day and is apparently a locally common species nationally but is only recorded here infrequently.

Ringing: 1 Firecrest