Thursday 2nd April 2020

One of three Blackcaps ringed today

A light breeze from the north west this morning and a cloud bank over the North Sea brought a few migrants.
At first light 4 Redwing left the bushes, with a number heard late last night and a Yellowhammer headed west. The first Blackcap of the spring was quickly followed by two more. At least 3 Chiffchaffs were within the fort, along with 2 Goldcrest and a firecrest.

A Wheatear and two Greylag Geese were on the Reserve. A Black Redstart was singing in Manor Terrace Car Park and 6 Turnstones and Purple Sandpiper were at the Jetty.

On the Sea, 39 Red-throated Divers and a Common Scoter headed northbound and a Greylag and an Oystercatcher headed south.

Ringing: 3 Blackcap, 2 Chiffchaff, 1 Blackbird, 1 Goldcrest