Tuesday 2nd June 2020

A chilly start to the morning with a light northerly breeze was obviously enough to drift some good birds onto the point this morning.

A Rosefinch was trapped after being heard calling and spotted heading towards the feeders in the Heligoland and becomes the 6th Rosefinch to be ringed at the Observatory. A second Rosefinch was found perches above a Marsh Warbler, the first for several years, which was singing by the Butts Pond on the reserve. At least one of the Rosefinch has stuck around and has been showing intermittently on the Feeder by the Heligoland while the Marsh Warbler is occasionally singing from a Elder just north of the pond.

Vis-mig was reasonable with a few Swallows and Swifts heading south and a Hobby and a Little Egret coming in off the sea. Movement on the sea was limited to a couple of Sandwich Terns, a Kittiwake and 2 Little Terns heading north.

In the moth trap was a Treble Lines, a species which is becoming more regular in recent years

Ringing: 3 Linnet, 2 Blackcap, 1 Common Rosefinch