Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Azure Damselfly has been emerging from the ponds in the observatory in good numbers but none in the Butts pond so far this year.

Handful of new migrants including 2 Blackcap & Spot Fly. Four new female Blackcap trapped in the last two mornings is concerning as they all have brood patches and will all be failed breeders that have had to move on from the site of there first breeding attempt this year. Whether these attempts are well south of us or more nearby is unknown as is the causative factors behind these late spring movements. 2 young Coal Tits will be dispersing juveniles kicked out by their parents wandering in search of new sites to settle down in. On the move southbound 15 Swift, 6 Swallow & 3 Sand Martin plus 2 Sand Martin north. Are the Sand Martins being forced to move due to collapsing nest sites in the drought conditions as it is a tad early for autumn passage in this species ? Offshore southbound 3 Little Tern, 3 Meds & 2 Oyk with northbound 7 Common Scoter & 4 Brent plus 3 Tufted Duck that came in off and landed mid-estuary behind the observatory.

Tinea semifulvella lives in old bird nests but only occasionally find our traps.

Ringing: 2 Blackcap, 2 Coal Tit, 2 Linnet, 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 1 Wood Pigeon, 1 Wren.