Friday 10th July 2020

Heavy rain over night but the sun just about managed to peek through the clouds this morning on what felt like a very autumnal day ('s only July?!).

The sea was much quieter today, with only 7 Curlew and 49 Black-headed recorded today. There were a few more Common Terns and a single Sandwich Tern heading south.

On the reserve the Black Redstart was again in front of the Observatory. 15 Swifts, 3 Sand Martins and a Swallow were the best of the vis-mig.

The sun brought out a few butterflies, once the weather had warmed up, including Gatekeeper, Peacock, Red Admiral and a Holly Blue.

In the moth trap this morning was something that took a little head scratching to work out. In the end we came to the conclusion that it was an aberrant Common Carpet, although we quite happy to be corrected!

Ringing: 1 Dunnock