Saturday 11th July 2020

Cerceris rybyensis is a digger wasp that predates mining-bees on the top path at the Observatory.

A cool start to the morning but warming pleasantly once the sun came up.

Again quieter than the past few days and there was limited movement on the sea which consisted of 78 Black-headed Gulls,  3 Curlew and 3 Sandwich Terns heading south and a Little Egret and a Lapwing heading into the Orwell.

On the land, there were 2 Black Redstarts in front of the obs this morning, a blackcap in the bushes and 6 Sand Martin, 2 Siskin, a Swift and a Swallow heading south.

Conveniently sat on the same egg carton were two species that don't visit us all that often, a Pine Hawkmoth and a Buff Ermine.

Ringing: 2 Dunnock, 1 Blackcap, 1 House Sparrow, 1 Linnet, 1 Robin.