Friday 2nd October 2020

A sleepy Shag on the Jetty

A strong south-easterly gale with drizzle throughout. As expected much of the interest was limited to the sea.

In the bushes were a couple of Blackcap, a Chiffchaffs and a Goldcrest. A single Wheatear was on the Reserve. A Lapwing was on the Beach and a Shag, 2 Turnstones and a Purple Sandpiper were on the Jetty. There was a little vis-mig with 42 Swallows and 2 House Martins heading south.

On the sea there was a good movement of Brent Geese with 2145 passing south this morning, also heading southbound were 465 Wigeon, 235 Teal, 53 Pintail, 2 Shelduck and a Red-breasted Merganser.  There was also a good selection of Arctic Skua, with 7 heading north and 2 passing south. Heading northbound were 16 Gannets, 3 Common Scoter and 3 Sandwich Terns.

Red-Green Carpet is noted most Octobers in small numbers

Ringing: 2 Blackcap