Thursday 1st October 2020


An overcast, chilly day with heavy overnight rain.

Yesterdays Mistle Thrush was still out on the Reserve, while there were a few Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs,  Goldcrests and a Garden Warbler in the bushes. A Spotted Flycatcher was in the bushes along the front of the Obs and 4 Wheatears were out by the Tank Blocks. A Snipe was flushed from the beach vegetation and a Rock Pipit and 5 Turnstones were on the Jetty.

There was a bit of vis-mig with 618 Siskin, 10 Redpoll, 4 Chaffinch, 19 House Martins, 15 Swallows, 16 Meadow Pipits and 2 Grey Wagtails all heading south. A Mute Swan headed out to Sea and a Hobby and 2 Peregrines passed over the Port. Offshore, 14 Wigeon, 5 Brent Geese and a Curlew headed south and 3 Gadwall headed north.

Beaded Chestnut is an autumnal flyer that we get in small numbers.

Ringing: 3 Lesser Redpoll, 2 Blackcap, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Garden Warbler, 1 Grey Wagtail