Landguard is looking for people who are passionate about looking after one of Suffolk’s most important places. Bordered by the North Sea, Orwell estuary and the Port of Felixstowe the Landguard Peninsula contains a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Scheduled Ancient Monument, Nature Reserve, Bird Observatory, Museum and Grade 1 listed Fort. We need people who are willing to use their skills, experience and enthusiasm to ensure Landguard’s natural environment and heritage is conserved and enhanced for the future. A new Landguard Charitable Trust will be established as an incorporated charity that will manage challenges and take advantage of new opportunities. The Trust will replace the existing loose partnership structures. Managing the allocation of finance and resources it will take a joined up approach, maximising the benefits the peninsula has to offer. To do this we very much need a board of trustee’s who can work together for the benefit of Landguard.


If you are interested in getting involved in shaping Landguard’s future, or if you know someone who might, please email: and more information will be provided. There is no obligation.


The LBO are looking for one trustee to represent them. The board will also be made up of six independent trustee’s. Knowledge of Landguard is not essential, just the desire to make a difference and become part of Landguard’s long history. Support and training will be available to all those selected.