Tuesday 27th October 2020


Cormorants heading out to fish.

A breezy cloudy start to the morning with rain setting in by 0930.

There was a smaller finch movement than the previous couple of days with, 307 Goldfinch, 134 Siskin, 103 Redpoll, 51 Linnet, 39 Chaffinch, 8 Crossbill, 6 Greenfinch and 3 Brambling. The Wood Pigeons have finally started to move as well, with 565 heading south along with 5 Stock Doves. Other birds on the move included 69 Meadow Pipits, a Rock Pipit, 7 Swallows, 4 Reed Bunting and 2 Little Egrets. A Ring Ouzel headed inland and 500 Starlings came in off the sea when the rain started.

A Woodcock was behind the Obs at first light this morning and there were still a few birds in the bushes including a few Goldcrests, a Firecrest, a Chiffchaff and a couple of Blackcaps. On the Reserve a Wheatear was still by the Mine Station.

On the sea 19 Brent, 2 Pintail, a Shelduck, a Gannet and 2 Knot headed south. over the course of the morning 515 Cormorants went out to fish on the sands and a Purple Sandpiper was on the Jetty.

Ringing: 15 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Blackcap, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Redwing, 1 Wood Pigeon.