Friday 20th November 2020

 A chill in the air this morning with a bit of Vis-mig for the first few hours.

A few Thrushes had dropped into the bushes at first light including 9 Fieldfare and 5 Redwing before heading inland. Also in the bushes were a couple of Goldcrest, a lingering Firecrest and a Chiffchaff.

A Woodcock was out on the point this morning before dropping into the vegetation behind the Obs and 2 Rock Pipits were down by the Jetty.

A Lapland Bunting circled overhead before disappearing from view while a few Finches were heading south including 34 Redpoll, 16 Goldfinch, 6 Chaffinch and a Siskin. Also on the move were a couple of Skylarks and 4 Meadow Pipits.

Ver little was moving on the sea except for 5 Shelducks heading south and a Female Eider heading up River.

The moth traps produced a December Moth, which as the name suggests is a winter flyer, often moving on calm nights. 

Ringing: 5 Fieldfare, 4 Lesser Redpoll, 2 Blackbird, 1 Chaffinch, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Redwing