Saturday 21st November 2020

Hard work but somehow one has to "keep the faith" and one will be rewarded. A Great-northern Diver came in from the north-east and pitched in by the point for quite a while. Although 2 Goosander south are historically far rarer than 3 Goldeneye south our only previous Goldeneye record so far this year is of one in early August. Also southbound 98 Brent, 21 Knot, 13 Shelduck, 7 Common Scoter, 2 Common Gull, Dunlin, Grey Plover & Red-throated Diver with northbound 10 Common Scoter & Gannet. Passerine passage limited to southbound 7 Starling, 2 Redpoll, Siskin plus a Sparrowhawk that bottled it half way across the mouth of the Orwell.

Ringing: Nil