Friday 5th February 2021

Pleasant calm morning with 1,263 Cormorant heading out to fish early on plus another 450 coming onto the feeding grounds from the far north later. Almost felt spring like on the reserve with 10 Pied Wags feeding together, 8 Linnets, Ringo on the beach & a Skylark heading south (does this Skylark think it's spring or has it seen the snow forecast for later in the weekend and is abandoning ship ?). 4 Egyptian Geese south just off the beach is only our 11th site record plus the largest flock we have ever recorded to boot - best have a rest with all this excitement for one morning ! Offshore southbound 8 Red-throated Diver, Curlew & Oyk with northbound 35 Common Scoter & 2 Red-throats brings it back to basics.