Thursday 4th February 2021

Glorious sunny start then thick fog descended 0845 hrs which is only just now clearing. 1,074 Cormorant went out fishing early on. A few bits n' bobs on the move early on with 5 Chaffinch droping in before leaving to the north plus a later individual arriving. A Grey Wagtail went south and at least 10 Linnets were whizzing around plus we had a visit from a Greenfinch. One of a pair of Collared Doves had a lucky escape when the local male Peregrine after its breakfast missed it by inches by the observatory watch point which was quite impressive to see so close by. Collared Dove numbers have declined here in recent years and it is quite probably down to those naughty nasty Peregrines - there's enough Feral Pigeon around the dock for them to thin out a bit if they are feeling peckish !