Recent Ringing Recoveries

Robin ringed Landguard 13th October 2019 was a road casualty 37 km away at Fordham, Colchester, Essex 9th February 2021.

Blackbird ringed Landguard 14th October 2020 killed by a Sparrowhawk 4km away over the estuary at Harwich 11th March 2021.

Goldcrest ringed Begijnendijk, Brabant, Belgium 16th October 2020 retrapped four days later 260 km away at Landguard 20th October 2020.

Robin ringed Landguard 13th October 2019 retrapped 410 km away at Eemshaven, Groningen, The Netherlands 25th March 2021 which is only yesterday demonstrating how quick the data can get through if submitted when caught !