Thursday 25th March 2021


 A glorious morning, sunny and calm but clouding over in the afternoon with the increasing SW wind; a quiet day was enlivened by the highlights of a Common Crane which flew NE over the port, over the town and tracked to when it flew north across the River Deben and the first Wheatear of the year on the point - always a wonderful moment!   

Other little bits included 3 Bar-tailed Godwits south, single Redwing and Fieldfare, 2 Goldcrests, 7 Goldfinch, a Bullfinch, 4 Jackdaws, the cock Pheasant wandering around, a Robin, a Rock Pipit, a Sparrowhawk, a Yellowhammer south and a Woodcock.

Ringing: Blackbird 2, Redwing 1, Goldcrest 1, Dunnock 1