Thursday 13th May 2021

Common Redpoll

 A very grey day with a chilly ENE breeze coming in off the sea; despite the nets being open through the morning the only birds caught comprised a British control Lesser Whitethroat and a Common Redpoll.

Other birds through the quiet day included 2 Black Redstarts (including a new male), a Barnacle Goose up the river, the first Common Sandpiper of the year, 4 Common Terns, a flock of 8 Little Terns north, a Gannet, 2 Kittiwakes, 5 Lesser Whitethroats, a Sparrowhawk, 13 Swallows south, 4 Wheatears and 6 Whitethroats.

Ringing: Common Redpoll 1

The first Phtheochroa rugosana of the year is about a month late on parade, presumably due to the cold spring