Wednesday 12th May 2021

Corn Bunting is one of those species that turns up randomly roughly one to three times a year for reasons known only to themselves.

Migrants thin on the ground this morning included 7 Wheatear, 4 Jackdaw & Blackcap plus the Lesser Whitethroats & Whitethroats singing their little hearts out waiting for the females to show up. Visible migrants included southbound 38 Swallow, !3 Goldfinch, 5 Barnacle Geese, House Martin & Little Egret plus further offshore southbound 3 Oyk, 2 Common Gull & 2 Dunlin with northbound 13 Arctic Tern having first come down the river. At least single Black Red & Turnstone are still with us.

Puss Moth is always a delight to see with this individual sitting on wire about ten feet from where we had larvae last year.

Ringing: 1 Swallow.