Friday 11th June 2021

Red-legged Partridge

 Fine and clear at dawn but within minutes cloud and murk rolled in obscuring the land across the river and even the tops of the dock cranes, this lasted a few hours and it eventually turned back clear, warm and sunny by late morning.   

More hints of autumn passage came with another 8 Curlews heading south at sea along with 19 Swifts and 9 House Martins while other birds comprised a Barnacle Goose, 23 Canada Geese, a Black Redstart, a Kittiwake, 8 Mediterranean Gulls, a Reed Warbler, 3 Sandwich Terns and the Starling flock rising to at least 800.

Ringing: Dunnock 1, Linnet 4, Goldfinch 1

Pine Hawkmoth - on the odd occasion that this species is recorded here they are usually tatty and worn but this one is pristine!