Thursday 10th June 2021


 Clear, sunny and warm first thing with a little, cooling NW breeze bringing an extended cloud belt at lunchtime which lasted through until mid-afternoon; a singing Marsh Warbler was very elusive halfway up the reserve, found late morning, it only gave brief tantalising views as it chuntered away deep in cover.

Other birds gave an autumnal feel to the summer's day with 7 Curlews south at sea being returning birds already and a dispersing juvenile Siskin looking like it was regretting leaving the forest so early along with 3 Black Redstarts, a Chaffinch, 4 Common Terns, a Buzzard, 3 Mediterranean Gulls, 2 Sandwich Terns and 5 Swallows.

Ringing: Dunnock 2, Blackbird 1, Linnet 2

Broken-barred Carpet - only the second site record