Friday 25th June 2021


 Overcast with a light WNW breeze, some rain at dawn and a few spells of subsequent drizzle through the morning; all of the morning's action was offshore dominated by a steady trickle of 95 Curlews heading south along with a decent array of random bit and bobs, much of which gave a distinct autumnal feel to proceedings which comprised 12 Common Scoter, 5 Common Terns, a Gannet, a Great-crested Grebe, 2 Avocets, a Kittiwake, a Mallard, 4 Mediterranean Gulls, 11 Sandwich Terns, 6 Teal, 3 Tufted Ducks and 2 Whimbrel.

The only other bits of note included 2 Black Redstarts, a Grey Wagtail, 5 Lapwings, 3 Sand Martins, 4 Swallows and 5 Swifts.

A final honourable mention goes to the long-staying pair of Pheasants - which, prior to this year were genuine non-annual scarcities who have got down to business and produced a nice little brood of Pheasantlings.   Needless to say, the first breeding record for the Obs area - nature will find a way!

Ringing: Dunnock 4, Linnet 2

Shore Wainscot is another nationally scarce that has colonised in recent years with the spread of Marram Grass along the shore