Thursday 24th June 2021


Mediterranean Gull

A fine morning - very calm, clear and sunny albeit chilly first thing; there was some interesting mid-summer movements offshore which comprised an excellent 309 Common Scoter moving south in decent sized flocks (the largest day-count since 331 on 27th November 2016 and one of only ten day-counts >300 in the Obs history) and 33 Curlew dribbling through, also heading south after presumably failing to breed this season.   Also offshore were 27 Black-headed Gulls also vaguely moving south, 3 Common Gulls, a Kittiwake, 2 Little Terns and 2 Sandwich Terns.

Elsewhere highlights were hard to come by with the lingering Chiffchaff, a House Martin and 5 Swifts whilst Meadow Brown and Southern Hawker made their annual debuts.

Ringing: Great Tit 1, Starling 2, Linnet 2

White Colon is a nationally scarce species that we do well for here