Friday 4th June 2021

A regular feeding flock of Gulls has been appearing off the jetty when the tide reaches a certain point

 A fine morning with a light NNE breeze and some sunshine until it gradually clouded over bringing pretty solid rain from midday and through the afternoon; nothing really in the grounded migrant department with a few birds floating around offshore including 3 Common Terns, 3 Little Terns, 2 Sandwich Terns, 2 Kittiwakes, a Fulmar, 10 Mediterranean Gulls and a drake Pochard heading south.

Also of note were a Black Redstart, a Chaffinch, a Buzzard south, 14 Swifts and 3 House Martins in and north, a Reed Warbler and 3 Turnstone.

Ringing: Great Tit 1, Whitethroat 1, Robin 1

Oak Hook-tip lives on Oak trees, so is only occasional here