Thursday 3rd June 2021


 Another fine, warm day with some morning cloud and the wind now in the SW; 2 Chiffchaffs and a Reed Warbler in the nets hinted at some late spring passage still going on but it was again, a quiet day in the field.

Birds of note comprised 9 Barnacle Geese, 2 Black Redstarts, a single Brent Goose, 4 Lesser Whitethroats, 3 Mediterranean Gulls, 5 Sanderling, 6 Sandwich Terns, 13 Swallows, a Swift and 3 Turnstone.

Ringing: Reed Warbler 1, Chiffchaff 2, Great Tit 3, Black Redstart 1, Linnet 3

The number and variety of moths is finally picking up - Phyllonorycter messaniella mines are abundant on the Holm Oaks, with the moth only 4mm long