Friday 16th July 2021


The one surviving Ringed Plover chick can just about fly now

Overcast first thing and even a bit chilly with the light northerly breeze but the cloud broke up by 9am producing a warm, sunny day although the wind had switched into the SE cooling things down as it came in from the sea.   Most of the day's limited bird action was over the sea which included 38 Black-headed Gulls, 12 Common Terns (including the first juveniles), 4 Knot, 11 Little Terns and 19 Sandwich Terns (also including the first juveniles).

The only other bits of note comprised 3 Common Sandpipers on the jetty and 7 Lapwings on the common - both good counts for here!

Ringing: Blackbird 1, Dunnock 2

The first Brown-line Bright Eye of the summer