Saturday 17th July 2021

Swift returning towards town with a bulging crop full of insects after feeding over the point

 A fine day from the start, wall-to-wall sunshine becoming very warm, albeit with a cooling onshore breeze later on; offshore this morning were 17 Sandwich Terns, 9 Mediterranean Gulls, a Common Tern, a Common Gull and a tight flock of 9 Little Egrets which seemed to come in off and head up the river.   On the land a few random birds comprised a Great-spotted Woodpecker, a Grey Wagtail south, 2 Sand Martins, 3 Swallows and a Yellow Wagtail.

There were plenty of Dragonflies in the fine conditions whizzing around with Brown Hawker new for this Odonata-filled year.

Ringing: Wren 2, Linnet 2, Blackbird 1

Catoptria pinella is one of the better looking Grass moths