Sunday 18th July 2021

After some detective work (& better photos) the emerald damselflies at the Butts pond present since Thursday are actually the first site records of Scarce Emerald Damselfly Lestes dryas, not as identified at the time. If one is interested in such subtleties of identification then at least two males are still present today. Landguard is not the sort of site one would head to for Odonata but 13 different species have been noted in the last four days alone which indicates some major dispersal presently going on.

Stinking hot day with the temperature reaching 24.1 Celsius by 1030 hrs before a characteristic on shore breeze developed bringing it down a few notches. Very few migrants noted but included 2 Sand Martin & a handful of terns.

Good variety of moths presently including only the second site record of the nationally scarce Rose Plume with our only previous one back in 1997.

Ringing: 2 Linnet, 1 Dunnock, 1 Great Tit.