Monday 25th October 2021


 Bright, clear, sunny and calm again so while very pleasant, not really conducive to great numbers of migrants; overhead, birds comprised 45 Chaffinches, 125 Goldfinches, 18 Meadow Pipits, 29 Linnets, 9 Redpoll, 4 Reed Buntings, 2 Rock Pipits, 21 Siskin, 19 Skylark, 298 Starlings, 2 Swallows and 60 Woodpigeons.

Also on the move were 74 Black-headed Gulls, 18 Brent Geese, 3 Common Scoter, 14 Dunlin, 2 Goldeneye, a Great-crested Grebe, a site record flock of 14 Egyptian Geese (just what October passage is all about!), a Guillemot, 3 Knot, 2 Lapwings, 9 Pintail, 2 Red-throated Divers, 9 Shelduck, 2 Shoveler, 16 Teal and 209 Wigeon.

Also of note were a handful of Song Thrushes, Redwings and Blackbirds at dawn, single Blackcap and Brambling, a Ring Ouzel still, a Wheatear, the first Yellowhammer of the autumn and 2 Clouded Yellows amongst the handful of late flying butterflies in the fine conditions.

Ringing: Song Thrush 4, Blackbird 6, Blackcap 1, Wren 1, Redwing 1

Oak Rustic has slowly been colonising the UK this century and was first noted here three years ago; it lives on Holm Oaks so should be happy here