Tuesday 26th October 2021

Lesser Redpoll

 After a little unexpected band of drizzle at first light, it was another fine, calm, largely bright morning and another very quiet autumn day; birds of note comprised 2 Brambling, 24 Chaffinches, 130 Goldfinches, the Cetti's Warbler from the 23rd re-trapped, a Grey Wagtail, a Guillemot, 30 Linnets, 14 Meadow Pipits, 9 Redpoll, the male Ring Ouzel still, a Rock Pipit, 49 Siskin and 11 Skylark.

Ringing: Blackbird 1, Song Thrush 1, Lesser Redpoll 1, Robin 1, Great Tit 1

When first noted here five years ago, Paxillus obscurisporus was only the second Suffolk record but seems to be common not only here but in the Felixstowe area.