Saturday 6th February 2021

Missed the Cormorants heading out early morning although 1,306 came in from the north later. Offshore southbound 15 Teal, 6 Red-throated Diver, Brent, Common Scoter & Shelduck with northbound 6 Red-throats, 2 Curlew & Great-crested Grebe plus 2 Greylags that came in off the sea. 23 Kitts were feeding offshore. A Mistle Thrush is probably the same as one that turned up yesterday afternoon after the blog was written. Finally a new female Great Tit must have been fooled into thinking spring has started after yesterdays nice weather.

Ringing: 1 Great Tit.

Friday 5th February 2021

Pleasant calm morning with 1,263 Cormorant heading out to fish early on plus another 450 coming onto the feeding grounds from the far north later. Almost felt spring like on the reserve with 10 Pied Wags feeding together, 8 Linnets, Ringo on the beach & a Skylark heading south (does this Skylark think it's spring or has it seen the snow forecast for later in the weekend and is abandoning ship ?). 4 Egyptian Geese south just off the beach is only our 11th site record plus the largest flock we have ever recorded to boot - best have a rest with all this excitement for one morning ! Offshore southbound 8 Red-throated Diver, Curlew & Oyk with northbound 35 Common Scoter & 2 Red-throats brings it back to basics.

Thursday 4th February 2021

Glorious sunny start then thick fog descended 0845 hrs which is only just now clearing. 1,074 Cormorant went out fishing early on. A few bits n' bobs on the move early on with 5 Chaffinch droping in before leaving to the north plus a later individual arriving. A Grey Wagtail went south and at least 10 Linnets were whizzing around plus we had a visit from a Greenfinch. One of a pair of Collared Doves had a lucky escape when the local male Peregrine after its breakfast missed it by inches by the observatory watch point which was quite impressive to see so close by. Collared Dove numbers have declined here in recent years and it is quite probably down to those naughty nasty Peregrines - there's enough Feral Pigeon around the dock for them to thin out a bit if they are feeling peckish !

Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Another dull, but mild morning & guess what - it's now started raining again. 1,144 Cormorant headed out to sea fishing from 0718 to 0725 hrs as daylength is increasing encouraging them out earlier.  A Shag was floating around in the river well out from Darrell's Battery with offshore southbound 7 Brent, 5 Pintail, 4 Shelduck, Curlew & Fulmar with northbound 42 Common Scoter, 4 Red-throats & Teal.

Ringing: 1 Magpie

Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Plenty of Brittlestars at the moment, inside out, back to front, upside down & some with limbs missing.

988 Cormorant went down river and out to go fishing in the murk in two flocks just after 0730 hrs is a better count than for a while. 13 Lapwing on site early on got shifted by a dog of its lead. The only other thing worth a mention is the first Greenfinch of the year.

Monday 1st February 2021

Dull & murky morning. A handful of observations included offshore northbound 10 Red-throated Diver & Great Crested Grebe with southbound 2 Shelduck & Brent. This Turnstone was along the riverbank on a quick sprint around.

2021 Membership Renewals

Many many thanks to all of you who have renewed your membership for 2021 & a gentle hint to those of you still to do so. All existing members should have received an e-mail earlier in January but if you didn't, or have deleted it please see membership details on or e-mail the membership secretary at for details. The observatory and the important work it carries out can only survive due to the generosity of its members so we look forward to hearing from you. 

Sunday 31st January 2021

Violet's are out in flower where the Rabbits can't nibble them - but then again they can be in flower here most of the winter somewhere on the site.

21 Cormorant went out plus 771 came in from the north to the fishing grounds around the Cork Sands. Southbound 17 Teal (that went north 5 minutes earlier before changing their minds) & 2 Red-throated Diver with northbound 8 Brent, 4 Red-throats & 2 Gannet plus at least 48 Kitts offshore. Roll on spring.