Friday 15th April 2022

It was a sunny and calm day today, and as such, migrants were thin on the ground. A scattering of warblers, a brambling and a few passing seabirds were the only signs of movement. Ringing was pretty quiet, with a few linnets and a chaffinch adding to the warblers ringed.

Greylag geese have been hanging around for a while, looking for places to nest. Sadly the nature reserve is not suitable for them, until they learn to nest in rabbit holes like shelduck! The local birds are really starting to progress with breeding activities, with blackbirds carrying food, woodpigeons building half hearted nests and a black redstart still singing lustily around the fort/compound area.

The moth traps produced a few surprises, the highlight being this Eudonia Angustea. A fairly common pyralid but one that s rarely noted this early in the season.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 2, Chaffinch 1, Chiffchaff 1, Linnet 3, Willow Warbler 3