Thursday 14th April 2022

With clearer skies today, it was a quieter day for migrants than yesterday. Swallows are slowly increasing in number as are blackcaps. A lot of regular species recorded, in much the same numbers as in previous days (or in the case of sanderling and shelduck, weeks!) but two singing whitethroats were an increase on yesterdays 1st for the year. Wheatear numbers were much reduced, probably because of the clearer weather, but similar numbers were ringed to yesterday, despite there being a quarter of the numbers present.

Moths have started to get into the double figures at last, with some interesting species today, including this Waved Umber. This is a common species in Suffolk, but as with a lot of species, lepidoptera or avian, only a scarce visitor to Landguard that has become annual in the last few years.

Ringed birds: Blackbird 1, Blackcap 8, Blue Tit 1, Chiffchaff 3, Linnet 1, Wheatear 3, Willow Warbler 2.