Friday 29th April 2022

It was very cool today, feeling much like a mid March day than an end of April one. Despite that there was a trickling of new migrants, with 3 new wheatears on the point, 3 new willow warblers and a lesser whitethroat in the observatory. A common sandpiper was new for the year, and there was a slight movement of seabirds, with 9 common scoter north, and a few waders. Swallows were still in single figures however and the male ring ouzel shows no sign of wanting to leave just yet.

Ringing was better than yesterday, though the one woodpigeon ringed yesterday still outweighs todays entire catch of 6 birds!

On the moth front we had some nice species today including a Chocolate-tip, and this beautiful Poplar Kitten, freshly emerged. No surprises what its food plant is, and we have plenty in the compound.

Ringed Birds: Chiffchaff 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Linnet 1, Willow Warbler 3