Saturday 30th April 2022

A red letter day today, at least for moths. Birding wise, it was at best a beige letter day. A sprinkling of migrants through the compound, including a fairly late redwing and some migrant song thrushes. The ring ouzel is still present, going into its second week here. Wheatears increased from 3 to 5, and a few willow warblers were caught on their way through.

But onto the moths, firstly this Delicate. This is a migrant that we get here usually in the autumn. Apparently the earliest ever recorded in East Anglia with previous one's from June onwards, so this was really unexpected considering how the 'mothing' conditions have been.

Earliest record is pretty good, but this Streamer is the first recorded at the Observatory in over 30 years of trapping, despite the fact that its foodplant is abundant in the compound. The highlight of the day by a long way.

Ringed Birds: Chiffchaff 1, Linnet 2, Redwing 1, Song Thrush 2, Willow Warbler 2