Monday 25th April 2022

The north wind was not as strong as predicted, though this didn't make a huge difference to the birds passing through. The ring ouzel was present for its third day, as were 3 wheatears and the sanderling still, though the a few of the latter were sporting some cracking summer plumage, a sign that they'll be heading off soon. Birds were moving offshore, with bar-tailed godwits and whimbrels moving north, with the first fulmar for a week or so, little egret, Canada and greylag geese and singles each of sandwich and common terns.

Ringing was quiet, with only 5 birds ringed, though of 4 species, so at least diversity was high?!

On the moth front, we had our first Turnip, a dark individual with a pale border.

Birds Ringed: Chiffchaff 2, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Robin 1, Wren 1