Tuesday 26th April 2022

Much the same as yesterday, the male ring ouzel was still present, giving photographers the run around, and the sanderlings remained at the point, continuing to moult into their summer plumage as seen in the photo, with the rufous feathers being the fresh ones. Other regulars were still around, whitethroats increased from 3 singing males to 4, and 2 lesser whitethroats remained around the observatory compound. A few terns moving north, sandwich and 'commic' (Common or arctic terns at such range as to not be able to split to species, hence the portmanteau!)

Ringing was quiet, with only a chiffchaff and a blackcap ringed.

Moth numbers have dropped and become less diverse, because of the temperature and wind of the last few days, with Shuttle Shaped Darts being in the vast majority.

Ringed Birds: Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 1